Clan [yW] 'Young WARRIORS'How to be TRY OUTs Page |
(NOTE: [yW]Clan is no longer active, its Roger Wilco, Message Board, and web site still work. The [yW] web site is here to show and teach new people how to make and run a successful global internet gaming clan. See for the complete tutorial.) |
How to GIVE a TRY OUT .
GUIDLINES for "GIVING a Clan TRY OUT" for Officers .
Members that want to get PROMOTED should read this page , even if they are not an Officer yet.
If you have a PRINTER you might want to PRINT this page out so you can use it like a CHECK LIST when you give a TRY OUT to a new person.
# List
1. A 3day
Waiting Period
before [yW-G]Before anybody gets a to be a [yW-G], they should have been playing with our Clan at least 3 days . The Drill SERGEANT gives the [yW-G] QUIZ and only gives it to people that are HELPing to make the yW clan better in some way. The Drill Sergeant ONLY gives the QUIZ to people that THE Drill SERGEANT is ABSOLUTELY SURE is ready to become a GUEST and is some one that we want in our Clan.
2. A one Week
Wait -AS- a
[yW-G]Before anybody gets a TRY OUT for yW Boot Camp, they should have been playing with our Clan at least a WEEK as a [yW-G]. This makes SURE they are serious about JOINing [yW] and willl sticK around . they should be making contibutions to our Clan by hosting events,teach others, helping enforce the RULES , organizing game play , reading ips,etc etc.
3. Freindly The TRY OUT Officer should make sure that the new person is a Friendly person. Talk to the new person a little bit before the TRYOUT. Ask them how long they have been playing Halflife TFC, CounterStrike , ask them what classes they like to play ,what is their favorites games, what kind of connection do they have cable or modem. Make sure they are NOT a jerk. If they are a jerk, do NOT give them a TRY OUT. 4. THEIR CLAN JOB Since a Clan is only made up of its Members , to have a GREAT clan ALL of its Members must help out the Clan in some way, ask them HOW WILL THEY HELP OUT THE CLAN , anybody can organize games and invite Members in them , they could Recruit,
Practices,Clan Events, make Logos or Scripts for Members, etc, etc, etc,5. NO other Clan They can NOT be in ANY other Clan . (EXCEPT the [TiC] Clan because the [TiC] Clan are our ALLIES)
6. ICQ Make sure they have the free ICQ program installed and working. Get their ICQ# number and give them yours. 7. Roger Wilco Make sure they have the free Roger Wilco program installed and working. 8. ONE NICKNAME Make sure that they have their Roger Wilco , ICQ and Game Name set to the SAME NICKNAME . Its a lot less confusing that way for everybody (its a RULE too) 9. 1 hour Ask them to make sure THEY (and YOU too) have the (1) hour available to do the TRYOUT, before you start the TRY OUT. 10. READ RULES Make sure they have read all the JOIN and the RULES pages . Ask if they have ANY QUESTIONS. 11. Their MESSAGE Make sure they have posted a MESSAGE on the message board saying that they want a TRY OUT (the JOIN pages tells them to do so)(that way all the other Members will know who is trying to JOIN their clan). 12. RW BACKUP Make sure you tell them that if the RW BACKUP PLAN if the Roger Wilco Server goes down during the TRY OUT, they will need to turn on ICQ and you will make a temporary Roger Wilco channel and ICQ them the . 13. GET HELP Try to GET SOME HELP from the other current Member of [yW] to help you give the TRYOUT. Two (or more) heads are always better than one.Plus, it gives the current Members a chance to look at the New Members and meet them. 14. Give TRY OUT A. Pick a server to give the TRY OUT on and make sure it has enough empty spaces so that everybody on Roger Wilco can fit on it. B. Tell the person that is getting the TRY OUT to JUST PLAY LIKE THEY NORMANLLY DO.
C. Watch their score as compared to other [yW]Members with a ping similar to the new persons.
D. Watch how well they use Roger Wilco while playing as a team (telling you about where the enemy are, if they have the flag , if they drop the flag, do they read out the IP number to new people getting on Roger Wilco,etc,etc,etc.) Correct them if they do something wrong , but do NOT yell at them, TRY to make them a better player.
15. ADD TAG If the person PASSES the TRY OUT tell them they are OFFICALLY in the Young WARRIORS Clan and to add the TAG to their Roger Wilco, ICQ, and Game Name Nicknames. The Offficer that gives the TRY OUT , will also preform the INITIATION CERENMONY. 16. OFFICAL
AnnouncementIf they PASS, then you (the Officer giving the TRYOUT) need to make the OFFICAL ANNOUCEMENT on the Message Board, include their Game Name and ICQ# number letting everybody know we have a new Member and tat you said they PASSED their TRYOUT. HELP THEM If they do NOT pass tell them what they have to work on to get in (do not be rude to them HELP THEM if the fail the TRY OUT ).
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